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Ital progetti srl


ITALPROGETTI S.R.L. is a leader in the fields of cold-pressing, profiling and metal sheets welding. It works in the automotive, motorcycle, electromechanical and railroad sector. It is also provided of a mechanical department equipped with highly sophisticated machines that, in addition to the components for machines and systems, is able to design molds for high complex metal sheet. The goal is to guarantee products of high quality in the field of mechanical

industry, with the aid of our experience and some very important clients.

Thanks to the remarkable experience in the field of machining and to our certifications, our position is unquestionable. We aim for 30% growt in one year, even in a period of crisis.

ItalProgetti S.r.l.
Registered office: Via Pescara nr. 37-39-41
Head and Administrative office: Via Saletti, 154/156
66041 - Atessa - CH
Tel.: (+39) 0872 889216 Fax: (+39) 0872 888751 - C.F. e P.IVA 01623740683
www.italprogettisrl.com - info@Italprogettisrl.com
Website created by Zetaweb ADV - www.Italprogetti.com
All rights reserved.

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